Fitness/Nutrition Tips

Snack ideas during golf training

Maintaining healthy eating habits will be especially important during tournament play. Choosing the right foods and maintaing proper hydration will keep you at the top of your mental and physical game. Buying food ‘on the go’ may not offer the healthiest of options for fueling your competition round. The best idea is to plan beforehand-so pack your snacks for eating on the course prior to leaving home. You want to

Core Strength and Flexibility for Golfers

During the winter time at the academy, students should focus more on their core strength and flexibility. Core strength is important to keep the students healthy and fit during their downtime. GNCGA’s fitness and nutrition instructor, Kelly, mentioned that this is the best way to continue to work with the students. This way they are working their muscles they would normally work while playing golf. When they get more time

Fitness Tip #7: Cardiorespiratory Endurance

With increased demands on time, young golfers want to workout quickly but keep their cardio respiratory endurance at optimal efficiency. High Intensity Interval Training involves alternating between very intense bouts of exercise and low intensity exercise, preferably at a 1:4 interval ratio for beginners. So jog at a moderate intensity for 60 seconds then sprint for 15 seconds (complete 10 times) ,but only once or twice a week to increase

Fitness Tip #6: Important Components of any Physical Fitness Regimen

As young golfers prepare physically for years of competitive rounds, the most important components of their fitness regimen include: core stability, flexibility, strength and cardiovascular endurance. By focusing on utilizing their own body weight for strengthening, shoulder injuries can be prevented by incorporating exercises for the rotator cuff as well as pushups-incline, decline, or even modified (on the knees). A strong upper body will allow for good acceleration and deceleration

Fitness Tip #5: Fitness and Injury Prevention

In considering fitness, young golfers want to remember key areas of the body must be protected to prevent overuse injuries. The primary focal points are shoulders, hip joints, knees, and ankles. If hamstring strains and ankle sprains are two of the most common injury sites, then the focus will be on balance between the muscles of the upper leg called the femur (quadriceps and hamstrings) as well as the lower

Fitness Tip #4: Importance of Flexibility

Young golfers typically desire more distance from their golf swing. Therefore, as muscles are developed, maintaining good flexibility and balance will be key! If flexibility is defined as ‘the range of motion around a joint in the body’, then improving it through “static” stretching (during and after workouts) is crucial. Static stretching is a stationary ‘hold’ of the muscle. Hold each of the 7 stretches below for 15-30 seconds and

Fitness Tip #3: Healthy Eating is Important for Your Game

Before a tournament or practice round is not the time to skip a meal! A meal that contains equal parts of protein and complex carbohydrates will balance your blood sugar levels for the upcoming activity. Examples of complex carbohydrates include: Cereals and grains: oats, porridge, muesli and bran Seeds: pumpkin, sunflower or nuts Fresh fruit Greek yogurt Since low muscle glycogen equals early fatigue, reduced mental and physical intensity leading